[M] - Silence of a Soul

Perhaps it was an invasive and ruthless question, but Jaden could always choose not to answer. It was curiosity that drove the autumn shaded creature, for the man dressed in plate had apparently gone from a life with a brilliant future to nothing, forced to flee from his home. Conor had issues imagining such a bold change in one’s life, and therefore did not even attempt to guess what was going on within the injured man. A court nod was given as he was granted a doable answer anyway. To seek advice from an old acquaintance was the opposite of a poor idea, and the Soul male found himself hoping that the other would find answers on what to do next.

There was nothing more concrete that Jaden could give, and the lilac eyed male accepted that without a problem. It was not his business anyway, and any answer would do at the moment. ”I see,” he breathed, allowing face to settle with slightly sympathetic features, though there was no pity apparent in his tranquil orbs. Life would always go on in one form or the other, and therefore he was certain that the man eventually would figure out what his next step was going to be.

A subtle silence entered the scene as the man started rummaging through his own bags. The moment assistance was requested (or accepted, rather), Conor executed the remaining distance between them, finding two bundles of fresh and clean cloth from the medical bag’s innards. ”I have more than enough,” he revealed, holding out the bandages to Jaden. Lavender settled on the glass Jaden had fished up, and he supposed he had found yet another creature with some medical knowledge. A gentle curve graced the cinnamon hued man now, eager to be of some assistance. After all, Jaden had saved his life as well. Gratitude went both ways here.

Table by Alli

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