How to balance ...
I find it easier to have a character that is already involved with the board, such as one from the open characters thread. I didn't do that with Yuki, but I slowly began to realize that she was becoming a bit difficult for me. Over time I eased myself in to her, and I got more and more involved with plots n' stuff. But some times it's hard to start of with nothing.

What I tend to do while posting is reply to all the threads I can with the character I've been neglecting lately- Then switch over to the character that I've had more muse for. After answering to a thread or two I usually get into the feel of that character, which helps as well. We usually tend to favor certain threads, which can lead to problems. If you find that you can't bring yourself to reply to a certain thread at a given moment, skip it! It would be kind to come back to it after you've gone through the list once, though.

Switching back and forth between characters to quickly is also an issue, which is why I do it the way I do. Some times the emotions you were trying to express through another character starts to show through on a different post.. And that may lead to confusion. ;-;

Hoped at least SOME of that helped. If not then I apologize for rambling. D:

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