Creeping slow, it's okay to be afraid.
(( ^^; Sorry this one is short. LOL))

The pup jumped to try and reach the offered tail. He and his father enjoyed rough-housing, and it seemed this nice lady did too. He bared his teeth in a playful growl, standing on his hind legs, looking rather like a surprised rabbit. His neck stretched as far as it could, but the tail was still just out of reach. Liam sat on his haunches, studying the tail, trying to decided how best to reach it. Within seconds, he was up again, jumping and trying to reach it. And then he had it. Her tail was furry and warm and he grinned as he tugged on it, shaking his head back and forth. Her fur was thicker than his mouth, and he barely had hold of the tip, so it was no surprise when he found himself on his back after the fur slid out of his mouth like water off of silk.

Tal watched as the female laid down, feeling stupid for asking her such a personal question. He eased into a sitting position as he watched her and Liam play. His voice was softer when he spoke again. "I'm sorry...that was thoughtless of me to ask." He'd been raised better than that, mostly. Granted, his father hadn't been much of a role model, but there had been mother, even if she hadn't always had the best outlook on everything. She had taught him manners, though.

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