Reverse Psychology Reverse
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Sorry for the wait.

The mocking tone was not appreciated. She glared irritably, waiting for information from the female wolf. Her eyes were alight with frustration as she got the information she so desired; ah, a heroine, come to save her poor, lost sister. A laugh caught in the back of her throat and the resulting sound was higher, colder than expected. Her eyes were narrowed as she watched the other female - Addison, she'd said. Seeking Grace D'Angelo? So far as Fiachra could tell, Grace would be related to Naniko somehow, although she couldn't imagine how. That meant Addison would also be related to Nani. Fiachra held her ground but didn't advance again; the last thing she needed was her snow white queen in a fuss about her injuring a family member. She might have fucked her pack leader, but she sure as hell wasn't about to piss her off nonetheless. She didn't believe herself to be special enough to escape the wrath of an irritated Naniko. Nobody was that special.

Instead, she answered slowly, thoughtfully, her words carefully cut up before spoken. "I do believe Grace is here, yes," she replied, her voice curt but not unfriendly. She understood looking after family; she would do the same for her own sister. It was clear that Addison was older than her sister, as she had described the girl as a pup, which Addison herself clearly was not. She thought the name was familiar; a newcomer, no doubt. "I can't be certain, but if you'd like to come in and find her, have a chat..." She paused; should she be inviting strange wolves into Anathema territory? She sized Addison up; the girl was right, she was unarmed and looked harmless enough. "...You're welcome to do so." Fiachra finished, standing aside to show her willingness to let the girl pass.


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