I'm walking on sunshine!!!
OOC:Sorry for the wait I cant seem to catch a break anymore lol icky short post

Ren wanted to laugh when she heard his open thought, but, not wanting to embarrass her guest she pretended not to notice the comment. As she began to eat her ears perked up at his question, she shook her head gently before swallowing the food in her mouth. "No I'm afraid not, my brother lives with his own pack miles north-west of here. He lives there with his mate, I've been given word that they will be expecting children soon, so my guess is that he'll be there for quite some time" She smiled brightly but froze when he asked about the rest of her family. Her features seem to fade alittle and she focused her sad gaze on the fire. "Well I hear that my sisters have the same life as my brother now. Both in their own packs with their own families. However, my parents are...well. Dead. I'm not sure about anyone else I might be related to." she turned her gaze back to the male and smiled gently. She didnt take offence to his question. Curiosity was a natural thing for any wolf. To punish one for it would be a stupid thing.

Ren went back to eating before she decided to ask a question herself. "So, what about your family?" She decided that since they were on the topic of personal questions then why not ask a few herself? She took another bite, savoring the taste for a while before swallowing once again and taking another bite. Ren looked at the male curiously her ears both cocked to the side to she her friendly curious way. She smiled at the male, letting him know that she could trust him. She was good at keeping secrets.

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