
She wondered what others would think when she finally returned home, smelling of the infamous Samael Lykoi. Would she be punished, or would they worry that he had hurt her like Andrezej? Either was plausible. She didn't really have to think of it until her uncle asked a question that made the cogs turn. "What shall you tell your father of me when you return home." What would Gabriel want to know? Would he wonder? She turned to face the lost coyote, smiling a saccharine smile. "I won't tell him anything, uncle." It was truth. When questioned, if questioned, she would feign ignorance. She didn't need her father to know stress from the presence of some outsider.

Her fingers grasped at the edge of the den she stood near, searching for something to offer balance. She needed it, as her mind wondered what had sent Samael away. Her weight shifted, back leaning against the rock. "Why did you leave Inferni?" It was a simple question, with so many possibilities for answers. The first she thought of, as she always thought of in any situation, was that Gabriel had ruined something. God giveth and God taketh away. Gabriel had the chances to bring color to life and destroy the living all in one graceful turn. It made sense that her manifestation of perfection had destroyed the lives of many who lived outside of the walls of Inferni.


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