ładna dziewczyna

She stayed quiet, listening to the words of the different women around her. Her eyes sat on the young boy. In her youth, she had only ever been exposed to one male, a brother who had been whisked away to live with her sire in a nearby colony shortly after he started to take interest in the sisters he was kept away from. They were strange, strange concepts that she didn't find necessary. The one male she had so far accepted, mute Orion, was the exception and not the rule.

The first dog-woman apologized for the child, and Atalanta scoffed. "If you have it, you shouldn't treat it so poorly." They weren't angry words, or even disapproving words, but the phrase was firm and accusitory. Mistakes were made, and it was the duty of the one who created them to deal with them appropriately. The Greek hound crossed her arms, resting one hand against her chin. "I don't like boys. He can stay, but I don't want to see him coddled when there are better things to be doing." Her eyes shifted to the other woman, one who seemed to like the puppy just oh, so much.

Iola's decision to head home was welcomed by the younger female, though she smiled at the way the words rolled out of the wolf's mouth. "It's 'shall', Iola. Well then, everyone, SHALL we go," she whispered to her friend, trying to correct a rather interesting way of speaking.


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