ładna dziewczyna
She payed little attention to the remaining conversations, except for when Atalanta correted her troubled speech. The sandy woman pouted slightly in a playful way, since the hound knew she had some issues with pronunciantion. Even so, she was almost glad for her showing some helping attitude. "She-- Shea-- Sheaa-- Sheaall. Shiaall. Sh-- Shall. Shall? Shall..." The Greek muttered to herself, trying to imitate the younger femme. "There ye go, 'shall'! Now then, shall we go?" The meditteranian asked, finally turning back to her way.

The woman walked with steady, confident steps, yet careful not to make much noise. Her slim and petit body slicked through the trees' branches and trunk without touching a single leaf, almost like those small fishes you try to catch with your hands but are too fast and slick to grasp.

Following the scent trail her and Atalanta had made, she would turn a ear now ad then to check that the others were following. Soon, the group of females reached the camp, in which Orion was still asleep. The woman took off her bow and arrow holster as silently as possible, not wishing to wake up the mute male.

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