you've got nowhere to go but here
<3 Rest is a happy time for those who get days off.

He didn't seem particularly bothered to see her, though a twitch of unease appeared on her face as she realized he was holding scissors. Her head turned, crimson eyes still focused on him while she seemed to look at the home. Best to know where potential enemies were rather than be caught unawares. Though he appeared calm, her hyper-expressive gaze flooded with anxiety. He was, first and foremost, a wolf. A dark wolf, with some sort of strange and light colored eyes that could almost remind her of a face she hadn't desired to think of.

She smiled at his words, a faint and bemused grin that lit up her face like a candle in the shadows. An innocent, sickening sweet smile. Though he asked her a question in return, she didn't offer an answer. She stepped closer, crossing her arms just under her ribcage. "You needed scissors for...what, exactly? I've never seen them used before." She studied him as she inquired about the cutting utensil, ruby gaze darting over his features and pausing only one or two times to take in features she was surprised about. As she neared, she realized his eyes weren't golden, but green, and he wasn't truly a dark wolf, but a mottled thing made from darker patches. It put her unrest at ease.


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