I'm scared of what's behind and what's before


Even though she hadn't needed to, the wolfdog decided to explore. She'd grabbed Senorita, she'd left Cercatori d'Arte, and she'd ridden...well, wherever the horse wanted to take her. It so happened that Senorita wanted to travel south, away from the place they had decided to make home and into different smells and senses. The trip was an interesting one, her pink eyes darting over new features and new creatures. Animals didn't stay still for long, of course, but she managed to catch sight of a rabbit or some sort of winter-loving bird. Each new sight brought a laugh from her.

Though the animals and ground were enough to excite her, Krystalle's cheer exploded in a show of Spanish exclamations as she noticed the ruins of an old town. With skillful gestures, she guided her friend toward it; she was a collector, and ruins offered her a chance to find works of art. "I promise it won't be too long, mija," she whispered to the mare, patting her neck with a reassuring hand. The companion creature had never enjoyed closed towns or cities, preferring to roam as she pleased. Krystalle had simply never gotten over living at her home with her family, and couldn't offer her friend what she really wanted.

With a careful sort of grace, she slid from the back of the horse, rubbing her shoulder to comfort her. As the two made their way through old streets, looking at old buildings, the wolfdog wondered who had lived there before. In her home, there was more explanation of humans and their habits, of what they wore and what they did, of what they learned. This place was so different from the city of Lost Angels, however, and it left her mind searching. "More rural than anything, huh, chica?" Her musing was to herself, but seemed to be directed at the horse. Senorita balked once or twice, following her canine friend with all the desire of a wild badger in a cage.

Krystalle herself seemed unfazed, until sight of a stranger brought her attention away from her search for interesting artifacts. Sure enough, she hadn't been imagining him. A strong looking man with a strong looking horse, and the strangest way of wearing his mane. He painted his face and his chest, had feathers strung to strands of longer white fur, and the whole image left the Californian in awe. Certainly better than some pieces of broken pottery or a painting hidden beneath the snow. She tugged Senorita on a path toward the male, the mare calming down at the presence of another hooved creature. "Hola! Are you looking for interesting things too?"

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