I close the blinds and turn away..

Hello! I don't think there's really anyone that hangs around here in their wolf form, but I heard that you could settle for someone in their were form?

Beppe had been standing knee-deep in the ocean when he heard the cry for help, peering down into the water to study the small fish that gathered around his feet. These ones weren't big enough to eat, but since the Insieme wolves had settled down, the boy hadn't gone hungry for very long anyways. The little minnows were simply a curiosity to him, and he watched them in a quiet sort of amusement.

The strange wolf's call caught him off guard. He was used to the peace of the beach, the steady, reliable sound of the ocean rushing to and from the shore, and the occasional caw of seabirds. For a moment he stood there, his head turned in the direction the foreign noise had come from. It was so out of place that Beppe could just as easily have passed it off as his imagination, or a gull's cry, but he decided to investigate despite his doubt.

He walked with an urgency in his step, subconsciously propelled towards the origin of the noise. Beppe hadn't really ventured this far away from the line of houses, but whatever differences there might have been went unnoticed. Spotting another wolf a few paces ahead, slumped into the sand, he sped up a little more. Nearing her, he got down to his knees in order to see her better, and crawled a bit closer. "Hello? You are alright?" the ebony boy said softly, keeping an arm's length away.


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