Chasing Flight
She rested her head upon her paws, her eyes gazed up at Leon as he spoke. She smirked, and said nothing for the longest time. She sighed, her memory recording the moment as she rushed through the images of her mind to come to terms with what she really was doing there. She sighed again.

“Nothing,” She stated calmly. “I’m just wondering…”

She did not seem to know her reasons for being there, she was just there, and her reasons were as much unknown to her as they were to Leon. She sighed and lowered her gaze from the brute for a moment to wonder upon her thoughts.

“I suppose I’m searching like you,” She began after a moment. “But for a reason…”

Maybe that was the reason of her being there; maybe she was there because she was searching for a reason to continue. She sighed, “You could say I’m here because of that bird,” she suddenly said. “I chase that hawk everywhere it seems, and I don’t even know if it’s the same bird…”

Her mind wondered off into thoughts concerning the red-tailed hawk she often found herself chasing. She laughed to herself, “I’m obsessed with that thing…” she said quietly to herself.

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