The Steps of an old ghost...

WC: 308 3 points

Jace turned as she heard another calling out, he was a light orangey colored male and as he got closer she could see his eyes were a strange mix of amber and blue, her own mismatched blue and amber eyes widened slightly, she had not expected anyone else to come by but she smiled back at the male. She was about to reply when a voice sounded out from within the cabin, a name she didn't recognize was called out with gusto and obvious happiness, perhaps they were mother and son?

She moved backwards a few steps out of the way as the female appeared, she didn't want to interrupt a reunion between the two. The female introduced herself as Angelique du Coudray and Jace wondered if she should leave and let the two get reacquainted when the woman invited them both in. She hesitantly stepped forwards into the very recently vacant house. The woman was right, it did indeed look like a pack of wold animals had decided to throw a party in her absense and most likely the recent storm hadn't helped matters. Jace began to feel rude and so introduced herself to her two packmates,

"Hi, i'm Jace Denahlii." Jace looked around the house's deteriorated interior and wondered if she should offer to help the older woman clean up although she assumed that was why the male was here. She also wondered how long the woman had been gone if her previous home was in such a state from the elements,

"Oh, I haven't really been in the valley that long, two or three weeks maybe. Me and Temo arrived just before the snowstorm started so i guess we were lucky that way." She stopped and then realized that they most likely wouldn't know Temo, "Temo is my travelling companion, we travelled together for over a year."


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

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