with the changing wind

Skye hadn't really been doing anything - other than getting Windsong, the new puppy that had strayed into Cercatori d'Arte territory looking for a home, settled into her stone house, she had been free during the blessed winter that brought no more hardships. She had quickly caught Shawchert's scent, though, and it wasn't too stale - perhaps twenty minutes old or so. Feeling a bit mischievous, she tracked the red and brown wolf down, hoping to find out what he had been so interested in.

It was quite the beautiful day - it was growing warmer and warmer, quite a contrast from the bitter cold months her new pack had endured all through the winter. The snow was still lightly spread upon the ground, a glittering white enigma that Skye had always admired. Her paws fell lightly into it, making small prints in the snow. The sky was, rather than cloaked in gray, dotted with clouds that showed just enough blue to make Skye in a lighter mood than usual. She heard larks in the trees singing a song and admired their singing - suddenly, however, the alpha's scent mixed with that of another, unfamiliar scent, and she paused.

This new scent carried the acrid tang of Inferni - the dust and rocky, musky scent of the wastelands was sharp on her nose, as was the scent of coyote. Skye became wary - not too long ago, a man named Kesho Maisha of Inferni had come and attacked her on Cercatori territory after insulting her. It was a scary experience that made her realize that she had to be a more effective leader; but a few days later, she had met Kaena Lykoi, the mother of the leader of Inferni, who had been quite nice. She had a mixed opinion of Inferni, but she was determined not to judge anyone.

Skye stepped out of the trees just in time to hear the end of Shaw's introduction. She smiled at the woman and Shawchert. "Hi, Shaw," she said. She then turned to the woman. "Hi," she said. "I'm Skye Collins, co-leader of Cercatori d'Arte. It's nice to meet you," she said, deciding that Shaw had already posed the question of whether or not he could help her and taking the more polite and indirect route.

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