A new home...how frustrating
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Her days had been great, in the simplest terms. Nights spent with Mars or Bartholomew left her full of joy, leaving her new expedition fully charged with a smile. The Californian woman hugged a pile of thick books to her chest, fingers picking at the pages as her legs carried her through Thornsbury and out into the world. She just needed to find an good place to sit while she worked on a new project - a blank sketchbook. Blank books were scarce, especially well-made ones without imperfections to the pages, so she made it her job to create them herself.

With careful movements, she balanced her stack of bound paper and tried to pull her pocketknife from the pocket in her jacket. A tug, a grunt, and her books fell on the ground, leaving a clear line of sight for her pink eyes to notice a stranger. The woman was younger, sitting against the edge of a pond in the nearby distance. Being new, Krystalle simply assumed she was a member of the pack she had joined. After all, she couldn't have met them all so far. With a huff, she bent over to gather her collection of paper, making a beeline for the younger Luperci.

A smile crossed her face as she dropped the books near the pond. "Hola, chica! Mind if I come join you?" she asked, kneeling in the snow before receiving an answer. Her fingers picked up one of the books, opening the covers and working to separate the pages from the binding.


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