hold your breath
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/p ... pik1-1.jpg); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Deary, I'm so sorry for making you wait forever... I've been so busy getting caught up with school and all.

Kansas had always felt awkward walking in rocky areas on two legs. He'd tried it before, on his way over here. Now he stood in his Lupus form, moving much more easily over the jagged shore. Perhaps he had more balance this way. It was chilly, a salty wind whipping around him from the vast sea. He'd explored the oceanside, too, but it appeared just as beautiful now as it had the first time he'd laid eyes on it. The boy was moving toward the water, feeling adventurous enough to get his limbs a bit wet, to chase seagulls as if he were still a child.

Before he got there, however, a gold and silver wolf caught his eye, moving along the shore. There was something eerily familiar about her... He couldn't place it right away. It was like a butterfly flitting around in front of him, this recognition. Too fleeting for him to grasp.

He sighed and headed toward her. At last he could see her face, her eyes, and a distant image of those eyes gazing softly at him materialized in his mind's eye. Could this be her? His mother, who had left him so long ago? He knew her reasons were good, but he was still slightly bitter that she'd left him and his siblings when they'd been so young. He tried to smile, stunned silent for a long while. Finally he spoke up, not really aware of what he was saying. "Mother...?"

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