Le vent nous portera

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OOC: Yep, on the mountain

His eyes sprang open immediately but his body was too weak to react and jump, so Lubomir merely contented himself with looking at the male. The words travelled through his ears to his brain and seemed to lodge there, sticking like glue. He must have been exhausted, though he would never accept that. Lubomir was too proud to even tell himself that he needed rest. And right now he needed food. Wearily, he pushed himself upwards and staggered slightly.

The eyes. That made him freeze on the stop. It wasn't even the look in them, it was the colour. Something so blue it was white, something so completely beyond what Lubomir had ever seen that he could only stare. He shook his head and try to break free of whatever hold the wolf had on him. It was certainly no time to make enemies. He would need all the help he could get.

'I beg your indulgence. I wish to trespass on no one's land.' His voice was rusty and low. It had been a while since he'd used it and his throat was dry. Mostly, Lubomir had howled in despair, longing to undo what had been done in the Old Country and finding no solace. This was the first time in weeks that he'd spoken to any living thing. Perhaps some could might come of it. 'If you own this land, I will make my way onwards now. If not... If not, is it permitted to hunt with you? I do not know what happened here, but I know when I last ate and good sir, my needs command me.' Certainly an impressive speech, and a grovelling one. Lubomir hated himself for stooping so low and having no pride, but he would rather be fed and seen as weak than starving but proud. Pride was foolishness now.

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