i microfoam styrowave.

http://avatars.ourdarkarts.net/souls/ot ... bottom.jpg) no-repeat; background-position: center bottom; width: 400px;" align="center">

OOC: lol, no worries ^_^

Joule. Lubomir wasn't sure he could properly pronounce the name, but he nodded in consent nonetheless. He was too polite to ask if "Joule" had a surname to go with it and frankly, if he didn't, why incur the wrath of a wolf out of so trivial a matter? And when the offer for more information came, Lubomir was quick to seize it. After all, why not find out about others? He knew that Tayui and Pilot, even Skoll, would gladly give him the information. Lubomir just didn't know how to ask. 'Are there any other packs? If there are as many wolves as you speak of, then surely we are not the only ones.'

It was an innocent question. Perhaps the wolf wanted to join them. Surely it would do no harm to tell him what they were about. Not everything, of course, mainly because Lubomir himself didn't know that much. But he could share the love for knowledge with another soul. 'An easier question. We thrive on knowledge. We believe in learning, in storing and sharing the stories our forefathers gave us. We live to protect all wolves who share our ideals, all who wish to contribute to a greater understanding of everything around us. I am merely a newcomer, Pilot and Tayui would certainly know more. If you wish to join us, they would answer your every question. What skills do you have, Joule?' Sometimes, it was almost amusing to see how his eloquence could lead him into trouble.


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