Viligance and Love
OOC- This is pityfully short Sad I truely can't write anymore

'Thank you' the Spaniard smiled at the King. Though his son seemed as if he could still do something, Vigilante had accepted there was nothing even he could do. J'adore hadn't know Theodoric well, but it seemed polite to mention him. J'adore again nodded when the King mentioned sending his condolences, 'Aye' was the Gata Hineyu's simple reply.

'I should be getting on' the Spaniard said, standing up. 'It was nice to meet you'. His gaze turned on the pup and J'adore added, 'And you to' onto the end of his backwards greeting.

He made his way away. Through a small wooded area and over a frozen stream. He had no plans on returning home, but he decided to head off toward the Dans anyhow.

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