Stocking Up
Fail post is even failier than the last one, im alright to pp the horses? if not then i'll remove

She shifted her body and moved closer to the great creamy beast,

"That doesn't seem too difficult..." The large animal looked at her and she shyed from him a little, before reaching down to grab some logs and move even closer to him. He was even more magnificent and marvelous up close and she told him so as she gently stroked his flank. She opened the saddle bad and quietly placed a few inside the bag.

She looked up as J'adore whistled again and yet another great male horse came prancing towards them. She nodded as J said to load them even, and moved to place another load of logs in the other side of the bag so as not to tip it off balance. The Loas shifted as the horse she was packing up nickered and she moved forwards to rub his leathery nose, slowly getting used to the huge equestrians,

"Yes I am from the Valley, although I have only been living there a few weeks. I don't really know that much about 'Souls cause i haven't been any further down than the dampwoods. Although, it was a little funny, me and my travellign companion got a bit lost and ended up on inferni ground. That was slightly terrifying." She could laugh about it now because they both still had thier throats but she was very wary of the coyote clan.

"What pack do you belong to? Are there many down there?

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