[J]Fallen Comfort and Snow Piles
Drusus stood behind the bourders, waiting, until the other wolf appeared, making him jump. He backed up a step, his sky blue eyes flickering back and forth. The wind tugged at his black cap of fur relentlessly, leaving the patches of brown alone. That, with his small size, made him seem like a crippled coward, or maybe an enemy, all though he was neither, just nervious. With a hestitant breath, he answered back to the tall wolf, one that seemed to have an air of power around him that scared Drusus, like maybe he was anything like the Lords Of Darkness, though he knew that wasn't true, because the wolf spoke in gentle tones. That was unlike power hungry killers, of course.

"I, um. I wish to join your pack." He answered, barely above a whisper. His voice shook. He wanted to get this right but he felt he could do better, owing this to the Mahuras and all they taught him. So he tucked his tail between his legs and lowered his ears, the releif instantanious. It felt so much better this way. He looked down to the ground and swallowed, hoping this wouldn't be taken wrong. He hardly had talked to anyone since he came to North America, and it was quite harder then he remembered.

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