M - the show must go on

...God point!

Hybrid still had his teeth showing just enough, but it seemed as though it didn’t even matter to her. She listened without a word and without expression, which only served to piss off Hybrid even more. What the fuck did she think she was doing? She was lucky he didn’t just say ‘fuck it’ and bite her throat out right there. He didn’t know why he even tried to put up with the members of Inferni anyways; they were all ignorant, stupid, pitiful excuses for coyotes. She didn’t even seem to understand what he was saying. Perhaps Andrezej had stolen her brains along with her virginity. So of course when she posed her request, Hybrid immediately denied her.

“Oh fuck off,” he snapped back. “Learn some fucking respect and then maybe I’ll fucking consider it.” He sneered and then stood up to walk away. He didn’t have to fucking sit here and listen to her try to ask him favours after that little stunt she’d pulled. Not only did she have to prove herself to the clan, she always had a lot to prove to Hybrid before he would ever consider doing anything for her. She might have been the Aquila’s daughter and his niece, but it didn’t fucking mean anything. The rest of his family had abandoned him, so he had recognized long ago that blood relations were irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. It was just coincidence that Kaena and Gabriel were related.


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