[M]Shatter my heart
Thoughts whirled in her head throughout the entire...whatever it was. Joining, she supposed. He was Luperci, she was almost sure of it. According to what she had been told, there were only a few ways for a non-Luperci to become Luperci, and the joining was a sure fire way. So what would happen...?

When he pulled out, Anya's body felt like an overcooked noodle, and her eyes wanted to close so badly, it was a fight to keep them open. "Tired. Very tired...is it always like this?" She shook her head, the effort of trying to stay awake exhausting her even more.

Anya raised her head slightly to look at him. "If you could walk with me back to where I am staying, I would be extremely grateful." She aimed a lick at his nose, too tired for anything else at the moment. "I'm sure you have better things to do than watch over me..." Anya stood slowly, limbs protesting the movement, but knowing that if she didn't move soon, her muscles would stiffen up.

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