One Man Caravan

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"Mornin'. How you?" the dirty blonde man offered in greeting.

At the return of her greeting, she gave a broad smile, piping up happily as he climbed down from the caravan. "I'm quite well, and yourselves?" she said cheerily, glancing between him and his companion.

It was good to know that there was no hostility in this group; if they wanted to attack, they likely would have done so already, and she would have been outnumbered. The thought lingered on her mind for a moment; this place had the potential to be dangerous. Maybe she should learn some self-defense, for her own sake. Oh, but even the thought was troubling...

"Jussa minute." he said, turning his back to her and climbing back up onto the wagon.

Curious as ever, Sage couldn't help but let her eyes follow him, taking a few steps nearer to the caravan, craning her neck up to get a better look. She watched as he pulled something small and blue out of one of the jars, but it looks like some sort of animal. She gave a small gasp, and quickly averted her gaze as he returned to question her.

"Dere fish?" he asked, motioning to the sea. "Small fish?"

"Oh yes, I'm sure! There are plenty of fish, of all sizes, in that water." she gave a brief smile before concerned yellow eyes darted towards the caravan once again. "Are those little things alright in there? They seem a bit cramped, don't you think?" she said, hoping that the things were being well cared for. The man also seemed worried for their welfare, though, so she couldn't push the issue too greatly.

"Dat Inferni?" he repeated questioningly in response, placing the creature back inside of the jar securely and jumping down from the wagon again.

The hippie Lykoi gave a nod, vaguely motioning in the direction of the territory again. The strange golden man lowered himself to all fours before her and, having repeated her name, proceeded to sniff about her in a very dog-like fashion. Oh, my... she thought, trying to stifle a giggle with her hand. It was silly to see a two-legged Luperci sniffing a scent that way, but she did not waver, managing to remain silent.

He introduced himself as Imacai, and she nodded, wide smile still plastered on her face. As he said his name, the man turned around on the spot, his rear end up in the air, as if beckoning her to perform the same ritual that he had. Sage stood still for a moment, unsure of what he was asking of her, and then with a quiet Oh!, she knelt down and breathed in his scent as well, even closing her eyes to get the full effect. He smelled familiar, almost wonderful. His scent was musky and strong, it smelled like the earth and like every place in the world all at once. Sage was instantly reminded of Juniper Peace, and she rose, remaining in quiet wonder and awe.

"Dat Sessane." he said, pointing to his companion and causing Sage to break out of her sidetracked trance.

"Ah...hello, Sessane!" she called out in a sing-song voice, pleased to meet the quiet woman.

Sage's mind fell into a place of euphoric interest with Imacai, and she could not help but be amazed by his movement and speech. Large chocolate ears twitched and swerved as he spoke again, alert and ready to listen.

"Yes an' no. Sista done guh an' git loss. You see?" he explained briefly, "I come see wuh I see. Fin' wuh nort an' tell brotha an' sista 'bout."

"Oh, that's terrible!" she said, eyebrows creasing in empathetic concern; she could only imagine how greatly upset she would be if one of her own sisters went missing. "I can't say that I've seen anyone much like you around here..." she responded despondently, glancing around as if the woman might show up at any moment. "Where did you lose her, love?" she asked tenderly, placing a small but warm palm on Imacai's upper arm, hoping to comfort the stranger.

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