Fire Watcher
Ookami was happy for the evening to finally come. J'adore had been willing to give him lessons for horse riding. He thought maybe sometime in the future he could have his own horse, or maybe go riding with Adonia. He smiled as he shifted slowly into his Secui form. His legs stretched and his fur grew longer and bushier. His tail turned into a thick mass of golden fur. His paw was feeling better now, the snow on the ground acting like an ice-pad numbed it. His paws were even bigger than before and he felt tall. He was a good 8 inches taller at the shoulder. He took off at a fast run towards the AniWaya territory. His back leg was slightly swollen and still ached but his body seemed to be getting used to the pain. It faded slowly as he ran to a mere soreness.

He reached the borders quickly with his fast gate and longer stride. Ookami thought about stopping at the borders and wasn't quite sure if he should. He slowed to a bouncy trot and decided to just pass them. He stopped about 5 feet passed them though, remembering the conversation he had had with Jace. Maybe he should wait for her here at the borders. He gave a quick nod of the head. That is what he will do. He turned and sat down right on the borders and waited for Jace. He let out a quick howl especially for Jace, to see how close she was. Then he waited patiently for her arrival.

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