Fire Watcher
Jace reveled in the thrill of a truly long distance run, stretching her legs and body at the same time. Her white, black, grey and tan furred form almost flying over the snow covered ground, her paws barely touching the ground as she ran at full speed her body almost a blur beyond the edge of sight. She was glad to see that the snow was slowly melting, she was an arctic wolf so she loved the snow and ice but it caused havoc down here where the wolves were not so used to it. She was like a demoness of the snow as she ran, her tongue lolling freely from her maw as she traversed the distance between AniWaya and Phoenix Valley. The Valley would always be her home now, she couldn't imagine living anywhere else.

Her ears pricked forwards as she heard the howl from up ahead and she grinned letting out a short sharp doggish bark back to him. Pushing her body faster and at the same time shifting from lupus to secui and then secui to optime, finally ending up in her two legged form. Her long braided white blonde hair that faded to deep brown the further down they were flying out behind her. She leapt into the air and grabbed onto a branch overhanging a small stream, using her weight to propel herself over the stream, hitting the ground with bended legs and carrying on. Soon enough she came into sight of the giant hulking golden male waiting at Aniwaya's borders for her and came to a skidding stop next to him, her breast heaving up and down with her exertions.

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