took the stars from our eyes
401←Word Count :: Mmkay, I figure Anna is away, so I'm just gunna have her assume Clover is already looking or something. And Anna, if you wanna join at any point, feel free. <3 I also assume they're climbing to find him, since the path isn't usable. Lemme know if you think this is wrong at all, derrrpp. Oh, and I'll have her get hurt in the next post, I'm thinking. I think I'll just badly sprain or fracture it, instead of breaking it completely.

The Lykoi child's call had gone up, dissipating quickly in the frigid air, leaving a hollow silence behind. And nothing came in return, either. Sage frowned, wondering just where Clover might be. Sage couldn't help but hope that she was already on that mountain, a one woman search party ahead of the solitary pair.

As China pressed close to Sage, expressing words of hope, yellow eyes were cast aside, brow slightly furrowed, fearful. She wouldn't let her own concern spread to the mind of her cheerful and optimistic sister, but couldn't help but let it effect her. Of course she would press on, and keep whatever vague hope still might linger after hours of searching, but that itch at the back of her mind did not disappear as they began their ascent.

The path was destroyed. Any other way through would need to be forged. The snow was thick and unforgiving, but they could walk through it, at least. In some places it came up to Sage's waist, and she began to feel the weight of this task and the near impossibility of it. Yellow eyes stared up the blanketed mountainside; large boulders and debris littered the area, and not a single sign of life stirred. Sage glanced to her sister, wondering what thoughts darted through her mind as they climbed, no end of this search in sight.

"Daddy?!" she called out, as loudly as her voice could go, hoping the echoes might reach him, if he was there. But once again, no sound was returned.

If they could find just one single shred of evidence of Razekiel's presence, Sage's troubled head might find rest, if only for a while.

With a heavy heart she continued climbing, finding the steep slope difficult to traverse, her limbs already beginning to ache from the cold and the physical strain. She tried to ignore the pain, her mind determined on their task, but the winter's frost bit at her body and mind, tempting her to abandon this mission.

The earth child had come to Inferni filled with hope, knowing she would see her Father here. She had been sure of it, then. But months had passed, without sign or sight or even a single word from anyone else. It seemed no one knew exactly where Daddy was; perhaps least of all his two vigilant, shivering daughters.

table by kiki. image credit here.

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