around me as i swam, the drifters who'd gone under
Is Jace in Optime or Lupus form? Smile

Geneva's reaction was instantaneous. Her ears twitched as an anguished, furtive sound reached her ears, and she turned toward the source of it and had taken a step toward the doorway before even stopping to analyze the meaning of the words. She was so attuned to responding to the sound of fright within a voice, having comforted her son, Pripyat, since he had been a small child in the summer months. Her lime green eyes lit up in recognition of the voice, and she pushed gently passed Falgar, laying a gentle hand on his shoulder before she tread forward with purpose.

As he often did, Ty seemed to materialize out of nowhere. It was funny how he always seemed to show up at the exact moment when someone might need aid or defending. She was grateful for his cosmic sense of timing, and she reached Jace soon after Ty had arrived. The scarred warrior's hands steadied the hybrid female, and Geneva eyed her carefully, coolly and calmly assessing the situation. She could not smell the musky, coppery scent of blood, but she could see its clear tone trailing in the snow behind Jace. "Let's move inside," Geneva said gently, although there was authority in her tone as she took charge of the situation. At this moment, she couldn't handle this situation without help and she needed to be able to rely on Ty and Falgar.

She moved up the three shallow steps into the comparative shelter of St. Augustine's, finding a pew that she had pushed up against the wall earlier that day and gesturing toward it. She didn't want Jace on the floor right now, and the supplies that she had here were meager at best. "Ty, please go to one of the lakes and bring back a bucket of water, then see if you can find some damaged buildings to find wood for a fire," she said crisply, trusting in Ty's resourcefulness and his ability to move swiftly. Looking over her shoulder, she called out to Falgar, "I don't know if there are any blankets here, but there might be cloth in the room off of the tabernacle," she said, motioning to the slightly raised altar. There was a door to the left, and if memory served there would be stiff, yet threadbare linen that had once draped the altar of this church in the days of human habitation.

Her eyes returned to Jace, concern for her evident in her lime green gaze, although she kept her expression controlled and restrained. She was not cold to her, but she needed to keep a handle on this situation as the highest ranking pack member here. "Who?" she asked softly, because it was evident to her what had happened. Ty might have missed it, or he might not have. Outwardly, it seemed like some sort of injury for certain. But Geneva, as a woman, sensed almost immediately the nature of Jace's condition. Her question, though simple, was easily understood. Who has done this to you?

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