Fire Watcher
She waited patiently as she shifted into his optime form, this was the second time she had seen and she observed it with interest. When he was finished he towered over her by a foot and a half seeing as she was just under six foot tall it made her feel like someone small as he always did in his huge presence. She grinned back, her tattered ear swiveling towards the pack lands that she had never visited. She would usually never cross the boundaries of another pack, Inferni had been the exception because their markers were different than a wolf packs and she had not realised But it was ok because J'adore had invited she and Ookami into the pack he called home.

"Hey! Yeah i'm ready." A shiver of anticipation thrummed through her and she followed Ookami who seemed to know where he was going. She observed the lands of AniWaya with a quiet curiosity and jogged after Ookami. She grinned when they finally caught up to J'adore, smiling at the orangey male with the white eyes.

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