There's no angels here.

Still smiling, the Italian boy made his way down the beach. He was pleased that he was able to help someone today, especially someone with a small child. Her joyous song made him laugh, and the gratitude shown by Sacha made him feel warm inside. It was likely true that there would be no leftover fish or anything back at home, but these seas were plentiful and it wouldn't take him very long to catch them one or two.

Beppe was not too far away to hear Kama's question, and he had a hard time controlling the silly grin that was starting to curl around his maw. He knew that his English still wasn't all that good -- that would come with time -- and also that he would likely have the accent all his life. This thhought made him feel a little better, actually; sometimes he was frightened that he might lose some of the things that made him Italian. Most of his life, already, had been spent away from Italy. On the boat over here he had only talked to his mother, though, and that enforced the language in his mind.

"Yeah, Italian," he replied, nodding. "I will warn you now, that much of the members of Insieme are Italian," he laughed, "This is why the name is Italian... It means 'together.'" Beppe was quite fond of this name, and he smiled as he spoke the word, glancing across to his new packmates.


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