Fancy meeting you here

Arrived on scene and is currently in lupus form.

Temo Wolfe

Temo relaxed some now that he understood where Jace's distress was coming from. Loss of close family, something that he had not experienced himself but knew that it was painful for the heart. At the introductions, He sat up and gave his full attention to the other, the hostility that he felt towards Kami left now that he realized it was unjust and unwarranted and now reciprocated back to him.

Temo pulled his emotions deep into himself, only a flash of sadness danced through his eyes as he realized that he had alienated someone in the pack that he and Jace just joined. He could see that the hostility that was directed to himself was intense, bordering on a fight. Almost anything he did could push the other wolf over the edge.

Temo's heart ached over the fact that he seemed unable to make friends and this would be no exception. He may not be able to make friends, but, he would at least try not to drive away the friends that Jace made. The only thing that mattered to him was her happiness. He bowed his head to Kami, "Hello. I seem to have given offense with my actions to you. For that, I apologize." Temo paused a moment as he considered the query that had been put to him. "I came from a region where the winters are much milder and I had difficulty coping with the wind driven extreme cold when I got caught out in the storm." He had no animosity to Kami, just sadness that he seems to unwittingly drive others from him. His only hope was that he didn't spoil the friendship Jace had made with Kami.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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