[AW] Shattered Silence

OoC: I hope this is alright. If not, PM me and it will be edited.


Jaden waited intently for an answer. The silence he had noticed before engulfing all. Seconds ticked by until finally a full minute separated the present from when the Dark Optime had asked his question. “No witty remark?” Jaden asked, turning slowly toward Slade, “No brave words?” The Coyote sat still and just watched the Alaskan speak, again offering nothing. No cowering, no submissive body language, just silence. Jaden had felt it might come to this. The coyote was proud and smart, to an extent anyway. Now the only thing left to do was give up on his pursuit of dominance, or make Slade cower and fear him. He held in a grin and still seemed to be calmly waiting for an answer while he contemplated ways to do it. “Well, it seems you have not decided to start whimpering like a puppy. What a shame,” Jaden sighed and shifted his weight just slightly forward in preparation, “you have let your pride get you into trouble Slade. But, it’s alright. I will make you cower.” He did not wait more than a half second after the words finished to attack. He wanted to catch Slade off guard.

With all the agility and strength in his Optime legs, Jaden leapt forward at the smaller sitting canine. An instinctive snarl ripped past the attacker’s maw as his shoulder connected first, knocking his target back from its sitting position. Retracting the claws on his empty hand, Jaden firmly grasped Slade’s throat, discouraging any struggling and pinned him by putting his body weight on the coyote’s front legs. He pressed hard on the joints, not to break them, and squeezed his throat to cause a good amount of discomfort for the coyote. Then, he got close to the Slade's muzzle once again, the dark grin gone from his face and replaced by front-facing ears and bared teeth in a fearsome grimace. “Wolves are bigger than you coyote. We are stronger. When you meet one, I advise begging that he or she not harm your disrespectful hide. They might not be as delicate as me.” Jaden laid his dagger’s edge on the coyote’s shoulder and quickly pulled it away, slicing lightly through warm fur and flesh with a metallic sound. “As a reminder.” Jaden growled. The smell of warm, bitter crimson lightly floated toward Jaden’s muzzle as he pushed roughly off Slade and stood once more, watching for his desired effect.

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