
300+ words.

Though he was very large, even for a dog, the secui male did not hold a single drop of wolf blood in his veins unless traced back through centuries of breeding, long before domesticated sogs had even been bred by the humans. Vigilante's nieces and nephew through his sister were half wolf, and his own children were half wolf as well, but the male was purely a mix between a German Shepherd Dog father and an Alaskan Malamute mother. He nodded politely at the lone male's introduction and his offer of sharing his meal. Though he was not famished, he would not rudely turn down the offer of sharing a meal and to get to know this male on an acquaintance level. Vigilante did not have friends as many did, but that suited him just fine.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Apollo, and I thank you for your offer. I would like to join you in your meal," he spoke, curled tail held at a relaxed position on his lower back. This was not his pack territory and he need not be acting like an alpha out here, for though he was one of such status, this was unclaimed land and this male was not at all a threat to his pack. Before he could introduce himself, however, they were joined by another, a lone female who introduced herself as Mizu. "It is a pleasure to meet you, as well, Mizu," he said, addressing it to the female who had joined them. He lowered his rear to the ground, sitting regally. "I am Vigilante Haskel, King of a pack in this area, Cour des Miracles. Are you both from around here?" he questioned, not recognizing a pack smell on either of them, though he was not well-acquainted with some of the packs in the area.


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