One Man Caravan
It really is okay, you don't have to keep apologizing. I've been slow too. Every time I've been meaning to post something would come up. So yeah, I know just how it is; 561 words

"Nice nice." He responded with a nod of his head. Him and his companion were feeling well. The travel was long but they weren't suffering from any sort of adverse effects at least. Perhaps on the hungry side but that could be taken care of by a bit of scavenging. He wasn't a true hunter in any way but he knew how to secure a meal still. He had actually come to be quite decent at taking things that belonged to others. He had learned the tricks of slipping his hands into pockets and coming up with something. Slight of hand had become a craft that he had grown adapt enough at. It was thought those tricks that he had bartered his way onto the ship to get up to the north. And well, his brother was the better fighter actually.

"Oh yes, dey small. Real real real small." After he had settled the bird back inside the jar he lifted up their home. The jar was about as tall as his torso was. It was also wide enough that they had room to make their underground den. So for the one foot tall penguins it was more than enough room. He placed the jar back down carefully, trying not to disturb his little pets too much. He had gotten them from a Chilean breeder. The penguins acted as quite the side show attraction. They distracted the crowds that had never seen anything like them before so that he could walk amongst the crowds and slip away with precious baubles that he could use to buy his, as well as his family's, way onto the ship. He wasn't so certain how well they would do here since there wasn't the bustle of the port and travelers here. There was a lack of commerce that he was used to.

What better way was there to learn about someone? A scent didn't lie as words would do. She was obviously female, though that could be gathered from appearance alone. She was young still, maybe around his age or so. He would say at least past the year mark but he couldn't pinpoint exactly how much past. She was a good bit coyote but still there was a mix of others in there as well. Not that he could say much since he had a bit of wolf blood in himself as well. So it might come across as strange but it really was the easiest way to gather information about who someone was and where they were from.

He stood again after the exchange of scents was done. "Sessane dun speak. Sessane dun hear." He explained to Sage and waved to his friend before pointing to Sage. This prompted the female atop the horse to wave as well. Imacai smiled and gave his friend a nod to indicate that she had done right. He then turned his attention back to Sage once more. He glanced down at the hand on his arm then back up at the female again. "Eterne." He didn't really expect her to be this far away from home or anything. And she hadn't been the exact reason that he had left. No, he had been sent out on his quest. And well, it didn't hurt to look for her while he worked on fulfilling just what he had to.

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