Making progress despite the belly.
Walking around like a tourist, Argul was way more comfortable out in the wilderness. It was rough and at times a battle for life, but in his mind it was less harsh than places where people gathered; towns, cities, communities. He looked normal, despite obviously being new to this place. He walked around and scouted out things, buildings, and other wolves working and roaming about here and there. Most not even acknowledging he was there.

Stopping suddenly, he backed up few steps to retreat behind the corner of a building. He watched an obviously pregnant wolf kicking some wood. Something inside of him flipped on. He was intensely curious of this female and found an attraction to her. He tried to kick it, for multiple reasons. She was pregnant; means there had to be a mate around. Also, he never would have a full on mate of his own. He had too many sick secrets and could never develop the trust needed between couples.

Seeing no one come to her aid after some time, he decided, or rather seemed like he had to go help. He didn’t want to; he didn’t trust himself or what the situation could prove. He knew better than to mess with groups of adult wolves.

He found himself very close to her now and his voice came to him like a shock. It wasn’t noticeable to others, though. In a soft, gentle and low voice he heard himself speak to the female wolf.

“Excuse me, would you like some assistance? I could not see a pregnant wolf doing such laboring tasks.” He spoke to her just after she talked to her unborn children. He found his gaze doing a quick up and down look of her. Taking it all in, sighing inwardly. Why would he torture himself so? He wanted to turn around and walk away, remove the pain before it hit hard. But alas, he did not and found himself already enjoying just talking to her.

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