Urgent Calls

Word Count → 304

She led Niro wordlessly through the woods until the treeline thinned and they stepped out into a clearing that was the tail end of the town of Thornbury. First she led Niro to an empty building in the shopping square that would work as a makeshift stable for the mare. When the animal was situated away safely, she walked a slow, round-about path to the building at the inner end of the U-shaped square; her bookstore. “This is it,” she said as she quickly climbed the few steps that led to the shop's porch. “My bookstore.”

The door was not locked, so she unlatched it and slipped inside seamlessly. There was no fireplace or any other source of warmth so it was still very cold inside the building, but the insulation in the walls provided at least a little protection from the elements. She waved her arms towards the stacks and shelves of sorted books as she scurried into the back room. “Take a look. There's a book for any need, and I'm just going to collect more and more.”

She disappeared into the darkness of the back stock room for a moment, then returned carrying a small tray. She moved over to the desk she had placed among the open floor and set the tray down and began slicing a loaf of sourdough and cheese. This was her usual snack that she kept in her stores, later in the day she would go out to find her ration of meat from Shawchert or the pack's stores.

“Sit,” she offered with another wave of her hand, and took a seat herself at the desk. She laid out a piece of bread and cheese for Niro, then began chewing on the crust of her piece. She was quiet. Was she stalling?

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