Making progress despite the belly.
The name Niro hit him like a sucker punch. He knew that name, and absent mindedly he reached up and felt the back of his shoulders. You couldn’t see the claw marks now, but he knew right where they were. Then coming to awareness he looked at her and tried to keep his facial expressions under check. He realized they went from a happy giddy wolf boy look to hateful and angry, although the look was obviously not aimed at her. He did his best to feign the previous happy expression as before.

He smiled, though unable to obtain the same meaningful smile as before, as she talked about the two of them doing a half decent job together. It was the ‘we’ part that brought it back. His eyes followed hers to her belly. As she turned he found his gaze did not follow and he was looking at her back side. Admiring the dyed tail and everything else that was there to show. Even being pregnant he found the curves to excite him. He caught himself before she turned back to him, the counter helping hide the gaze.

He was glad he wasn’t intruding, but as she spoke, he wasn’t quite sure she fully got what he meant. He wished he could have worded it differently, and then suddenly dismissed that as he remembered that she threw that sucker punch of mentioning who her brother was. His hate began to swell up inside of him. This is why you don’t let yourself get attached, idiot. He told himself. He suddenly felt sad and lonely, all while being angry. Why was it hard? With other wolves, relationships, everything, and then he caught himself clenching his right fist, tight enough to begin to draw blood. He slowly released it somewhat but kept it clenched to stop the bleeding. He did not want her to see, as he had no easy way to explain.

“No offense taken. I would not want to be a burden in such times. I will stay tonight and tonight only. I will help you starting now. You can direct me on what you would like to be done or I can just begin and do what I can.” His eyes flicked to the windows, knowing she wanted that fixed first. She probably did not understand, but his idea of working for the night and next day was going to be all out work. He would not stop but to eat or get supplies. That came from being in the wilderness, though. His muscles were not big and bulky, but stringy and long. They were muscles of endurance and activity. He also did enjoy the idea of sleeping inside for a night. He wished it could be more, but his defenses were less clouded at the mentioning of Niro.

“No, no, that would not be necessary. I will ensure this place safe before I leave tomorrow.” He did not mean to do this, but he looked her up and down again. He wasn’t sure if he could tell, but this was the look of a mental photograph. This would be the last time he looked at her with desire and hope. He would not be able to dismiss the desire, or attraction to her. He was caught in that web, but the hope and possibilities have dwindled into nothing in his mind. It was another tormenting reminder of why he should stay away from others and mind his own business. Bittersweet he thought, looking at her, a lovely site, beautiful female, and something he still could not have. He then caught himself eyeing her, fearing she would think he was just checking out her figure and being a pervert he quickly grabbed the wood and went to the closest window, and then the inevitable happened.

He quickly raised his right leg, and nearly dropped the wood. He stepped on a piece of glass. He cursed himself and leaned over and set the wood down, then began to pick at his foot to remove the glass.

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