It burns and it shrieks; My flesh I will peel back
Not a problem.

He was confused, and it wasn't a strange fact to the russet Lykoi. Still, she grimaced at his question, her own body lengthening and transforming from the linear canine shape to the bipedal figure she often carried around Inferni's lands. Crimson eyes, unique from the Lykoi red, gazed upon the strange boy with unabashed wonder. He was young, much younger than any other pup she'd found amongst the Inferni ranks, and yet he was already shifting from one form to another. She herself hadn't started the change until early in her eighth month of life, but she had been prepared. This child was not, clearly unaware of what he was and what it offered.

"Nothing unnatural, I assure you," the woman mumbled, brushing half-tangled auburn locks from her face. Standing on two legs was more natural to the Lykoi than the birthed quadruped body, but it hadn't always been. Still, her youth was not something so easily thought on or remembered, and she couldn't offer sympathy to the newly changed male. She didn't understand the fear of the thing she did so naturally. "You've just enlightened your body to new ability. Do you feel okay?" she questioned, voice growing steadily softer and more gentle. Now was not the time to frighten little boys, especially not little boys who would later grow to serve the kingdom around her.


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