I close the blinds and turn away..

The boy was a little alarmed when the other switched languages, and took a moment to adapt. The boy knew English better than he knew French, but he found a lot of the time that Italian was more closely related to French than English. Beppe was often able to at least understand the other romantic language, though he wouldn't be able to speak a word. On the ship he had come over with his mother on there had been a few French crewmates, and he often overheard them speaking in a language that seemed rather elegant, though to him it didn't flow like poetry the way his own language did. Sometimes he could pick out key words, and he found again that this was the case. Perhaps this other wolf was trying to lean on the relationship between French and English, or perhaps she was better equipped to explain herself in French. If the stranger wasn't completely oblivious, surely she wouldn't mind him answering in Italian.

He had managed to pick out a few of the words; two legs, on, able... Twisting his lips to the side a little, he tried to make the most sense of the statement he could. "Si, camino sul due gambe," he started slowly, trying to cover all the bases; he was sure he hadn't understood the questions thoroughly. "I miei genitori sono licantropi, perciò posso cambiare. Ma, penso che ci siano altri modi per diventare una licantropa." Beppe squinted a little and shrugged his shoulders, trying to get a clue towards if she was understanding the Italian at all.


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