J - Alone and Lonely
"That is true." Moonglow agreed softly. "I have been traveling for-" she paused, eyes sliding to the side in thought. "Many days. If you grant me permission, I will sleep." A low quiver went through her body at the thought of sleep. Either her body's longing or mind's dread, Moonglow couldn't be sure. "Then, begin my search." Her throat began to ache, these were the most words she'd spoken in months. She passed her days in silence, speaking only to fever dreams or haunting nightmares.

She took another quick glance up at the alpha, attempting to gauge his thoughts. Her skills in reading other wolves may have rusted but she could see well enough that there was no overt disapproval in his expression or stance. Nor any indication that he would drive her from his land's edge, fangs bared. He also seemed healthy and strong. That was a good sign. A healthy wolf was a content wolf, for the most part.

The way he stood, head up and easily confident reminded her of her father. Her flank flinched as if beset by flies at the thought, mind bucking in horror at the memory. She held her panic, her sudden desire to flee from this alpha before he turned on her and showed as little reaction as she could. Moonglow tried to force her thoughts into order. The father of before, not the monster he became. She wouldn't think about it, she wouldn't think about the snarls or the scent of death or the feel of her brother's blood seeping from his body onto hers.

Coming back to the now with an almost physical jolt, Moonglow quickly slowed her breathing. It had sped while she was lost in her thoughts. She took another covert glance at the alpha, wondering if he would notice. Perhaps he would just take it as a sign that she was overtired, which she was, or nervous. Moonglow was aware that she would loose days to such thoughts, but at the screaming pace they had taken this time, she rather thought very little time had slid by her. Not long enough to miss any speech on Conor's part, at least.

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