Fire Watcher
Ookami watched J'adore as he explained to Jace how to hold the reins. He looked at his own hands and finding that he had one error he quickly fixed it, checking Jace's hands once more to be sure he had it right. J'adore told them how to walk and Ookami followed the instructions. He gave Fuerte a gentle nudge, "Walk on." However all Fuerte did was shift his weight. Ookami laughed, Walk on boy." He gave a harder kick and with a little sigh Fuerte walked. J'adore said to follow him so Ookami pulled the rein in the direction that J'adore was walking. He asked if they knew how to stop and he hesitated, he wasn't quite sure and he didn't want to hurt the horse, "Not uh- exactly." He smiled as he waited for J'adore to tell them how to stop.

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