Fixing, fixing, fixing
Out of Character

WC: 325 OOC: Bleh crappy post ; ;

In Character

It seemed that Ouija was eager to help Shaw, which was great, he liked that the man was showing enthusiasm, and knew that he wanted the hunting lodge repaired as much as Shaw wanted it. He crouched on t he roof himself as he almost slipped, his had holding onto the roof so that he would not fall and break his neck, he was sure Sky would kill him if he did such a thing.

well I was hoping to get the tree cut in chunks to where it fell onto the roof, then cut it from the base and hopefully get it off by rolling it off the rest of the roof.

Shawchert said. The tree that had fallen on the roof had not gone all the way through the roof, which relieved Shaw, but the top of it was protruding over the roof which was a hindrance and would have to go before they could pull the rest of the tree off.

So we cut off the top little by little. If you could star a little below me. We probably could do it in one or two goes, but we need to be able to get them off the roof safely.

Shaw said pointing to the tip of the dead tree. He moved slowly over to it, fining a good brace before he started sawing. He thought Ouija had some experience with a saw, he was quite deft with a knife, but thinking about it he knew that not everyone knew what Shaw did, and he stopped for a second.

You know how to use that right?

He asked looking over in Ouija’s direction. He would be glad to teach the man if he didn’t know, it wouldn’t put him too far back into when he wanted this done. He knew he should have worked on this right after the storm but with so much going on it had been the last thing on his mind and he felt bad about it.

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Table by Shannon B


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