Living Dolls


OOC: ha i loved itSmile

Silyva leaned aginst the nearest tree and listend. While she listend she looked and looked hard. He was a tall Optime. Around, what? Seven and a half, eight feet tall? Tall and lanky she noticed. He as skinny and being skinny ment that he could maybe be swift. Depends on if he kept in shape. And by the looks of it, he did. She could see the outline of some musle on his chest. Muscle means strength. She wondered if he was strong enough to over power her. He had her in hight and they might be matched in agilty, but the strength is what she couldn't be sure of. She could tell that he was older than her obviously but being older doesn't always mean something.

She listend to him babble, she didn't care to hear how she tought it was her falt that Rina came to him. What was she to do? Keep Rina tied to her, no. She would never bound the creature to her. It went aginst her Goddess. "So you expect me to keep my creature at my side always? Give her no free will? Unable her not to be wild, as the humans did eh? They kept their animals in cages, pens, tied to trees and fences. You see what happend to the humans.. Nature struck back. I will not repeat their failure." She coked her head to the side, face still completly emotionless.

More babbling came from the wolf before her. She did not need an explnation. Though she did enjoy watching him fumble over what to call her Rina. A small grin crept on her face before she noticed, then once she did, it was quickly wipped off like it was never there. All she wanted was to get her creature and leave back to where she came. Her bag on her back, with little Rina curled up inside of it safe and sound. But this beast was in her way and taking up her time. Oh how she hated waisting time... When her brought up the ideaof her tearing out his inside was hardly do able she couldn't help but smile a large toothy grin. Licking the top of her teeth she just imagened. Thou it susprised her, he said he would be laughing? Did he enjoy pain because she loved causing it.

The next thing out of his mouth cuased her to stiffen and the smaile to fade. A trade. As much as she loved trading thing, she did not like have to trade things to get her Rina back.. She was even more shocked when he had finished his statement. Stay with HIM! What a crazy bastered.. Does he not know that I am just fine on my own. He better sleep with one eye open then.. A small rumble slipped out her clenched teeth. She would be getting on sleep tonight it seemed.

She hated the idea of having to do what this moron said but her Rina looked about scared shitless.. Either that or ready to freak the fuck out on the wolf who held her in a cage. She was proud of her little Marten though. So brave. Keeping her head high, she climed on. Mumbling many many not so nice things. "I hate you Rina.. The fucking things you get me into." She mubbled along with all the other things

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