J - Alone and Lonely
Town. The word was strange and one she knew the meaning of only vaguely. She was fairly sure he was offering her a place to sleep in one of the wooden dens that were apparently in a town. Creating a temporary burrow of sorts was not difficult, even as weak as she was Moonglow knew she could manage it. But the Alpha spoke true when warning her of the risk of never waking. Even a small burrow took her meager body heat far too long to warm.

"It would be-" The young female hesitated for a long second as if searching for the word. "Pleasant to sleep in a place free of snow." She made no mention of the offer of meat, the pained clench of her stomach forbade it. She'd found it best to think of food as little as possible.

The offer of accommodation was an unusually kind one to hear. Moonglow wondered at it, even as she was grateful, letting a wolf so deep within your territory with no promises of pack was a dangerous pastime. Though, she thought ruefully, letting in a hunger-weak, half-dead loner would be the safest way to go about it. She would certainly be no match for any healthy wolf.

"Thank you for your kindness." Moonglow added, muzzle tilting toward the male. "For what little it is worth, you have my gratitude." She wondered if the town was far, if she would even be able to make it. No matter, she knew she could walk miles more, even in her condition. Not gracefully, perhaps, but steadily enough.

Winterwind had always wanted to see a town, the thought intruded roughly leaving behind a wound that bled sorrow and regret. The corner of her mouth pulled back slightly at the pain twining through her. Her brother spoke of his dream often, though Moonshadow always swore she would see one first. Just as she always said she would be the first to take Optime form. Now they never would.

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