M- Go Forth and Die

OOC: xD +3

Wir sind für die Musik geboren, Wir sind die Diener eurer Ohren.
Immer wenn ihr traurig seid, spielen wir für euch.

The woman had told him that she left the manor, that it wasn't a good place for her. Cotl left it at that, even though he was curious as to why the woman thought that it was a bad place. The first time they met the woman had been drawing a painting that had been in the foyer, and she seemed content with the manor. There were things that confused him about her, because she was just as silent as he, and actions always spoke louder than words for the two. Their relationship was mostly physical, and only recently it had been evolved into a slightly emotional level to where Cotl had been increasingly interested in what made this woman tick. Today would be a day where the two realize that they had different beliefs, that they both were different, and perhaps, their relationship was not meant to be. Just maybe it was forbidden in the hells themselves for the two to not understand and be on the same emotional level as each other. Instead of saying anything, the man's ice-fire eyes just stared at the woman, straight in her eyes he she would meet his gaze, if not, then he would look at her nose, probably being as disrespectful as possible by staring a hole through her.

She moved towards him and gave him a slab of half frozen meat. The meat he was eating out in the snow was warmer, fresher than this meat. Cotl took the meat in his hand regardless, he furrowed his black brows behind his coal bangs and he had lifted his lip to reveal his sharp canines. He did not want cold meat, and he started to get angry that the woman had brought him back here only to give him uncooked, frozen meat when he had a fresh kill out on the highway. He could feel the anger swelling in his chest. His body was tense, his ears pulled back against his long, straight coal hair. He looked at the meat and then a growl rumbled in his chest. The woman talked about how all of her family was around. Father, Kaena, whoever Ezekiel was. Something about Father lives nearby. Cotl's leg started to tap lightly, his nose started to wrinkle and hostility finally started to pool into his eyes like a raging fire encased in an icy prison. Ist Kalt. the man snarled, but not without his neck twitching to the left rather badly. He violently stared at the woman though, the cold meat just being held in his lap with his hands. He didn't say anything else. He was feeling like he was going to explode.

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