Tree Tops and Fleeting Hawks

WC:339 OOC: Craptastic post! XD


The reaction of the female was actually quite slow and this concerned Niro for a second, but the disappointed look in her eyes had made him aware that something had happened to cause this late reaction, so he would not judge the woman. When she turned to him she seemed unsure that he was telling her the truth… or that was Niro’s impression.

Well… only slightly, it’s not every day I have someone jump out of a tree in front of me!

Niro said his guard going up a little. Well he’d had a few instances but he’d known they were there. This just happened to have been out of nowhere, but her attention went to Gregor who sat on Niro’s arm. Niro blinked a little and looked at the bird almost forgetting the calm animal was there.

Well he stays on my arm because I have him tethered, I’m trying to gain his trust but these birds seem to understand that they just want to fly and hunt… they do not always see the benefits of living with others, well until they realize it. He will be untethered in a while yet though. He’s still new at all this.

Niro said. He whistled for Marahute knowing if the wolf was interested in the bald eagle she would surely be interested in Marahute who was born to Niro. Which gave him a funny thought, but he was proud of the large animal.

My name is Niro Takekuro by the way. I’m sorry if I scared you too.

he said apologetically thinking about it now. He was a typical male… and didn’t always think ahead or see things right away but he tried. He was curious about the female he couldn’t smell any of the luperci he normally could on others, though she seemed more feral than anything he’d seen before, though he was wondering why she had been up in that tree… something he would ask her later he was sure to get an answer … maybe.

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