Alone again

Uggh. Life sucks! D:

Oh, god, I could have gone on forever with this post. :b

Faolin could feel a well of emotion rising up in her throat. It was all she could do to not choke on it or let tears stream down her face. With Iskata here, it brought on a whole new feeling. Memories flooded her mind and made her want to scream out and just have everything she had ever felt be released right then and there. Faolin was strong though, and she forced it back down her throat, into her body where it would remain if only for a while longer. With Iskata's weary voice it seemed to hit her harder and the girl flinched in her spot. Phoenix must not have made it out. Red eyes squinted as she searched Iskata for any feeling, but the woman felt different, something was not right. Yet, she could not pick it up. It seemed this touch she had with other's emotions was slipping and fading slowly. She hated it. She hated how everything was at the moment. Why were things so different?

The red femme rose to her feet and was about to step forward, but paused for a brief second. She was hit with another flood of memories. Phoenix, he had kids, oh god, did they not make it out? It was all Faolin could do to hold back questions. Wondering how he was doing, where he was, where were their kids. Oh, god. She stepped back again for a brief amount of time so she could fully shift. The girl tended to stay in her halfling form and she had grown quite experienced in shifting and she shifted quickly to her were form completely the transformation and watching Iskata. It was something she did not do in front of most people and as her hair fell down around her face she looked up at the woman, emotion evident in her eyes. It was all she could do to hold herself to that spot instead of running forth and hugging Iskata.

She was being held back by one little string.

"Gabriel?" she looked at her questioningly. Is that what she wanted to know. Something sad was in her tone, jealous almost. She was not sure. It was hard reading emotions now and they got so confusing and made her want to just go back to being little again. It was so much stronger, and now it was fading and she felt like she was losing a piece of herself. "He made it, most of our clan did. Probably because we were so close to these lands anyway aand so far from the fire. It had spread so quickly," red eyes shifted to the side and she thought about Arkham. They had to leave him behind and she wanted to scream and punch and beat herself for it. He was gone. She should of ran back and saved him.

That string finally snapped.

With a new flood of feelings made her break and tears streamed down her face and she looked at the wolf helplessly. "What has happened to us? I feel so lost here, these lands are so strange," she voiced her fears so openly. Iskata had at one point been the only one she could trust, besides Gabriel that is. Iskata helped her with everything, they grew so close, knew everything about one another. Spent days with each other just doing nothing, yet everything. Those days were nestled deep within her heart, but something happened along the way. Something had ripped the two apart. Fate had a nasty way of doing that to her it seemed. Everything she ever cared about was ripped away from her. Dangled in front of her again before disappearing into thin air.


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