a color fade out

When the woman revealed her motivation for wandering through this area to be his absent-minded singing, he let out a short, soft laugh. Beneath his fur a light blush colored his cheeks, and a slight grin crept to his maw out of embarrassment. Somehow, the thought escaped him that his little solo singing may have been heard. Ehno had an unspoken fondness for song, though he only indulged in attempted to recreate his favorite melodies when he knew himself to be alone. He didn't have much confidence in his singing voice. It caught him off guard to find that he'd had a surprise audience, though he supposed that it was bound to happen eventually.

He watched, then, as the woman shifted about slightly, moving to place her hands behind her neck and turning her attention once more to the old wooden structure. The Marino's own gaze flickered toward it briefly and he shifted his traveling bag from one shoulder to another. His focus was quick to return to the woman as he introduced herself, and he found himself grinning when confirmed his earlier suspicions with her use of the Spanish language. "Me llamo Ehno. Mucho gusto," he said in return. "I hope I did not offend you with my terrible singing earlier," he joked with a wink.


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