[Joining] ~ Lost in the snow.
OOC:: Aww, so cute. ^.^ Hehehe, I don't mind at all. =D

Velvet stood silently for a few moments, tiny flakes of snow building up on her muzzle as she nervously scanned for some kind of movement. It wasn't long until her honey glossed eyes spotted a small shape bounding through the snow towards her. Her body tensed up as soon as her eyes fell upon it, dropping her head and tail as if it would help her defend herself in some way. Before she had realised it, she found herself backing up several steps almost instinctively.

After a few moments, her mind automatically mistook the strange shape for a rabbit or another small creature, as it began almost zigzagging in the snow, as if unsure of where to go. However as it drew closer she realised the distinct shape of a small wolf.

Her body relaxed near instantly, and her ears pricked up in surprise. This was no fearsome monster that was going to chase her off or cause her harm, at least it didn't appear to be so. A tiny smile crept onto her face as she shook the snow from her fur, smiling more out of relief than any other emotion. She quickly found herself gazing into the face of a young puppy, cheerily indroducing themselves and questioning her for her name.

"Oh... It's nice to meet you, Eclipse." Her voice was quiet but curious, still retaining a small sense of nervousness, unsure of what to make of this small canine. She didn't want to give them the impression that she herself was intimidating, she knew what it felt like to meet a threatening individual at a young age. However, this was the first time that she had met another wolf and not felt straight-up fear, for the look in their eyes wasn't that of a harmful soul, it was innocent and kind. Perhaps she had been gravely mistaken about other canines.

"My name... is Velvet." She flattened out her ears once more and lowered herself to the pup's level, her chest now pressed against the powdery layer of snow around her paws. After all, this was still a pack wolf and held authority over her, regardless of age, and they didn't seem all that bad.

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