Too close for comfort

No problem ^^

Red saw the female coyote limping up to him and sniffed at the air. He didn’t need to, it was obvious she was hurt, but he could smell blood, which meant that it had been recent. He moved towards her slightly, as if to help her, but stopped when she snarled at him. He nodded, even though he understood only about half of what she had said. Her angry tone confused him, because he couldn’t think of anything he was doing wrong by wandering through a grassy plain. ”Yo miro around.” He replied simply, shrugging slightly. It struck him that the female probably couldn’t understand him, but oh well.

Red thought about something she had said. The way she had stressed the word ‘wolf’ had confused him; she had said it hatefully. ”Yo only medio lobo, ‘wolf ‘. Yo soy medio coyote, también. ¿Por qué es el lobo malo?” He gave the female a confused look, before adding as an after thought, ”Me llamo Red Sol. ¿Y tú?”


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